Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Berry Almond Chicken Salad June 13, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 7:01 am

Tonight for dinner the boyfriend stopped and picked up Wendy’s and got me my favorite (newly) seasonal item ever — their berry almond chicken salad. It consists of field greens, grilled chicken, shaved asiago cheese, strawberries, blueberries, and roasted almonds topped with fat free raspberry vinaigrette. It is sooo delicious!!! As soon as we saw the commercials on TV for this salad I knew I needed it soon. Now that I’ve had a taste I might need it like once a day. Thank God it’s only about 2 miles from me haha. This afternoon I spent studying my oral boards, although the boy sent me a Bill Simmons interview with Lena Durham so that took up about an hour of my time because I had to listen since I love her. I love the show “Girls” on HBO. It’s so raw and real and just wonderfully written. I’m sooo sad the season finale is this week booo. Oh well, I was already informed this even we will be watching the NBA playoffs game #1 how fun ;P

P.S. I can’t add a pic because I ran out of space on my blog ahhh so sad! I’m debating if I want to buy more, stay tuned!


Swiss Steak with Sweet Peas June 11, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:04 pm

Tonight for dinner I made swiss steak with sweet peas. I planned to make this about a week ago and kept taking the meat in and out of the freezer and then ended up having different things. Well tonight is the night and it came out great. This meal definitely reminds me of home. This evening I wasn’t that hungry since I snacked a little throughout the day. Tonight I am just relaxing and maybe studying a few study guides for oral boards since I don’t have another exam until Monday. My orthopedics exam went better than I anticipated today even though I thought it was tricky. Hopefully I can end my last semester of PA school on a good note. I was really tired this afternoon and planned to nap but it didn’t quite happen. Maybe I’ll just end up going to bed early. Otherwise, I’m not quite sure I can fit a nap in ha. Class all day all week blah. Is it August yet? Please come soon!


Chicken Marsala with Mushrooms & Bowtie Pasta June 4, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:41 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having chicken marsala with mushrooms and bowtie pasta from the Cheesecake Factory. The boy and I went to dinner there last night and they gave me sooo much food I had to bring half home. I’m glad though because I definitely didn’t feel like cooking and this is super tasty. I had such a long day at school. The morning was really fun putting casts and splints on my friend and her putting them on me. I couldn’t believe how heavy they were to cart around. I was a little nervous when she was sawing them off but she did awesome. After that we had 4 hours of peds lecture which was tough to sit through. It was interesting I was just exhausted. I need to study for geriatrics and oral boards tonight and I am already ready for bed ahhh. I don’t know why I’m so tired anymore. I think I am more mentally drained than anything. Alright well study time it is!!


Shrimp Stir Fry with Wild Rice & Veggies June 1, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:03 pm

Tonight for dinner my mom made a shrimp stir fry with wild rice and veggies. No one felt like cooking so we just combined stuff from the freezer and concocted a sauce. It came out awesome! I had seconds ha. I will definitely make this some night when I go back to Philly. It literally took like 15 minutes, maybe less. I can’t believe I head back tomorrow already. I feel like I just got her and barely did anything. I found a lot of clothes to bring back which is good. Tomorrow I need to get my car inspected and then I am going to get new glasses. My poor glasses are from high school eeek. I never wear them so I don’t care what they look like. But now one of the lens has a piece missing so it keeps popping out and then the little plastic thing that sits on my nose fell off on one side. So sadddd! I’m excited for new ones though :) The grandparents just got here to visit, so off to hang with them yayy!


Chicken Marsala, Steamed Broccoli, Oven Baked Potatoes May 31, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:52 pm

Tonight for dinner my mom made chicken marsala, steamed broccoli, and oven baked potatoes. It was phenomenal!! I think everything tastes better when my mom makes it. Sorry I have been MIA lately. I spent the last 5 days in Toronto for a conference and didn’t have regular internet contact. I had more fun than I thought I would though. Now I am at my parent’s house for a few days to visit with them since I’m not sure I’ll have time to again until the end of July for our family reunion. I can’t believe I only have 8 weeks of class left. I am going to go do a little shopping with my mom this evening. It’s almost 7pm though and most places close at 9pm so we better get moving if we want to see anything. It feels good to be home though, just like high school. Everyone was working all day so I got to hang by myself. I should have been studying for oral boards but maybe tomorrow ha!


Savory Four Cheeseburger, Corn on the Cob, Guacamole with Tortillas May 24, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 7:02 pm

Tonight for dinner I made a savory four cheeseburger with sharp cheddar, ketchup, and lettuce with corn on the cob and homemade guacamole with tortilla chips. This was suchhh an amazing dinner! I wanted to use up foods I have since I am leaving for Toronto tomorrow and this was a perfect meal. The boy loved it too. We are both super full and satisfied. I’m so glad I don’t have any school work to do tonight. I just have lecture 8am-12pm tomorrow then I can come home and pack. I did put a few things a side today but I didn’t have much desire. I hate packing too early as well because then my clothes get wrinkled or I pack things I need to use before I go. I might need to do some last minutes errands but we’ll see. I stopped today and got apples/ranges so I will bring about 4 each of those and some granola bars for breakfast. Tonight I get to hang with the best boyfriend ever since I won’t see him for 10 day! :(


Shrimp & Veggie Stir Fry Over Noodles May 23, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 4:28 pm

Tonight for dinner I made a shrimp, peas, carrots, and egg stir fry with NoOodle shirataki noodles. I never bought this brand but the boyfriends mom sent him a case and he wasn’t a fan so I inherited them :) I basically just sauteed everything together with soy sauce, garlic powder, and onion powder and it came out great! I am glad I bought a small bag of frozen salad shrimp. It really comes in handy for a one person meal, which I tend to eat a lot of. This will be delicious and filling before my softball game tonight. It is soo muggy out though I really hope it cools down. I had class all day today and the afternoon was especially long. We had our first behavioral medicine/psychiatry class and it was brutal. The professor has to be close to 80, wears a full suit with a bow tie (everyday), and lectures with no powerpoint, notes, or any visual aides. It is rough. I don’t think psychiatry is a field I’ll be going into ha!


Flounder Fish Sticks, Corn on the Cob, Butternut Squash Cubes May 18, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 5:55 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having homemade flounder fish sticks in a soy ginger coating, corn on the cob, and butternut squash cubes. This came out great! I had a decent size and a super small piece of flounder so this was the perfect way to even them up. Then I just had to get some corn since it’s coming into season, and this is the first time I bought frozen cubed butternut squash and I’m a fan. I will buy it again for sure. It’s so much easier than peeling and chopping it myself, more convenient too! I feel all rejuvenated to play in my softball game tonight. I did not get as much done on my oral boards study guides as I wanted since I decided (well not really) to take a spontaneous 2 hour nap eeek. I will definitely work more efficiently tomorrow and I’ll have time once the kiddos go to bed since I’m babysitting. I have afternoon afternoon and evening Sunday too. Possibly out in the city tonight with some friends yayyy!


Barbecue Chicken Pizza May 17, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 7:03 pm

Tonight for dinner I made a barbecue chicken pizza on whole wheat crust. I will admit it just came out ok. The boyfriend liked it but I wasn’t a huge fan. I would do a lot of things differently next time. First, I would make the crust thinner. Then I would use light meat instead of dark meat (I had leftovers). I would also use less onion and more cheese, and maybe skip the spinach since I think that may have made it even more moist. I basically just wanted to use up all my leftovers and this is what is became. Next time I will definitely plan to make it, as in my head I had a different idea than what it became. Tonight I am hanging with the boy and I love it. I love being done with the semester and having my favorite person by my side. He is watching TV as I type this but I am going to see if he wants to go for a walk. It’s sooo nice out and we still have at leastttt an hour of daylight left. Yayy for summer being almost here!!


Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, Brown Rice May 15, 2012

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:18 pm

This evening for dinner I am having chicken, steamed broccoli, and brown rice. I did have this the last two nights but I am still loving it. It is kind of nice to have this made during finals week so I can focus on studying. Luckily, I have enough for tomorrow night too so it works out perfectly. Grade wise I haven’t been doing half bad so I’m just going to pretend this meal has something to do with it and hope for good grades the next two days as well ha. On that note, I am basically over studying for clin med. There is just so much information and not even time/attention span to keep reading. I will do what I can to get through the material but if I don’t, I don’t. I already decided I am watching Private Practice at 10pm anyway. Whenever I study and go right to bed I consistently try to recite my notes so TV helps bridge sound sleep for yours truly. I hope tonight’s season finale is a good one!