Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Garden Salad with Salmon February 28, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 5:07 pm

Tonight for dinner I made a big spring mix salad with carrots, cucumbers, celery, and salmon (marinated in soy sauce, garlic powder, and pepper) with balsamic vinaigrette dressing. It was sooooo good! I absolutely love salmon and I haven’t had it in forever. After I marinated it last night, I remember I bought a teryaki pineapple marinade and was sooo bummed I forgot to use it. Good thing I have more salmon because I definitely want to try that out. I got out of babysitting a half hour early which was a nice surprise and then it’s zumba at 6pm. My roommate has a ton of work to do so that’s the only class we are going to do tonight which is fine with me. I rather shower and get to bed early anyway. Adios blog world!


Turkey Sandwich, Baby Carrots, Apple

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 7:45 am

Lunch today I packed a turkey and lettuce sandwich on toasted whole wheat bread, baby carrots, and an apple. I know this seems like my average lunch but it’s really good. I will mix up the fruit later this week but not all of it is ripe yet so I’m sticking with the apples for now. Later on tonight I plan to go to zumba and possibly deep h2o challenge classes. I missed the gym desperately this weekend and cannot wait to get back there. Hopefully they won’t make us officially join just yet. Ok and I’m off for the day :D


Pomegranate Greek Yogurt, Fresh Pineapple

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 7:43 am

Today for breakfast I am having Chobani pomegranate Greek yogurt with fresh pineapple chunks. I love pineapple so much and haven’t bought one in a while so this is especially yummy. So I didn’t stay up to watch all of the Academy Awards but I did see about half of them. They were pretty good from what I did catch. Well this morning I am getting ready to go babysit the girls for the day. I have to get moving and pack a lunch so I can get on the road. Traffic is never fun during rush hour!


Swiss Steak February 27, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:14 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having swiss steak again — shocker I know haha. I have one more container left after today. Believe it or not I am not sick of it. My mom even made this meal for dinner tonight too because I had her craving it. I basically just relaxed today and lounged around. I hate being sleep deprived so I wanted to catch up. Tomorrow morning I am babysitting all day for the three little girls. That’s two days this week! Hopefully they won’t wear me out. I need the money though so it’ll be fine. Well this evening the Academy Awards are on. I’m not usually into award shows but I think I will watch this one a little since it’s on ABC and is overtaking my Brother’s and Sister’s time slot. Hope it’s entertaining :)


Chicken Caesar Sandwich, Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 2:14 pm

Well today for lunch I went with the boy to Panera and got my class pick 2 meal — half of a chicken caesar sandwich and a cup of broccoli cheddar soup. I was planning to be slightly healthier and get a salad but once we got there I had to get my normal pick. I will snack on healthy things today though! It is a gorgeousssss day outside today. It is 54 degrees but it feels warmer since the sun is shining and there is barely any wind. I am still exhausted from this weekend. I didn’t get home until about 2:30am last night so needless to say I didn’t make it to the 9:15am zumba class I wanted to go to. I still may go work out at the gym later this afternoon. Otherwise I am going to finish up some reading!


Swiss Steak February 26, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:18 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having swiss steak again. Sometimes I love not having to cook! Today I have just been moving slow. It was a long night last night and I definitely didn’t get enough sleep. I had a lot of fun celebrating the boy’s birthday though. This evening I am babysitting at 7:45pm. It is the dad’s birthday and they said they will probably be out until at least 2am — kind of annoying when I am behind on sleep. I am legit planning to take a nap while there and set my alarm or something. The kids are little and are usually in bed by 8:30pm, 9pm at the very latest. Hopefully, tomorrow morning I can make it to the gym since I was in no condition to go this morning, so sad. Have a good night!


Healthy Grocery Time!

Filed under: Grocery Orders — Maria @ 1:01 pm

Well I have been eating horribly the last few weeks/months and I need to get back to clean eating. Since I my cupboards are exploding with food my new philosophy is only to buy perishables and then other things as needed, not because they are on sale or because I am craving something. I need to budget my money and eat better. Sooo here is my order from today!


Swiss Steak with Veggies February 25, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 5:43 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having swiss steak. This is made with flank steak cut up, tomato sauce, chopped onions, carrots, and peas. I had it cooking in the crock pot all afternoon. I don’t have much food left so this will be good for a few meals. Sooo I loved the class I went to at the gym this morning and would love to be able to go every Friday if my schedule allows. Woo what a workout! Then I went into lab and we had a pizza party for our department secretary who was promoted. Afterward, I wrote and submitted my abstract for the San Diego conference I am trying to attend. Now I just finished cleaning the apartment! Today is the boy’s birthday so a few people are coming over to pregame before we head out. Should be a fun night, I haven’t been out in a long time!


GoCrunch Peach Greek Yogurt

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 8:02 am

For breakfast today I am trying a new yogurt — GoCrunch peach Greek yogurt. It is normal Greek yogurt with granola on top. I love granola and this yogurt is a little less expensive than my Chobani so I figured I would give it a try. It was pretty good, especially with the extra crunch, but I definitely think Chobani has my heart. It’s not bad to mix things up once in a while though. So this morning I am going to a class at 9:30am called IntenSATI. The description says “A high energy cardio workout that fuses cardiovascular endurance with affirmations. Voice your strength. Find your purpose with IntenSATI.” I am not sure I would have taken this class on my own, but the swimming instructor last night recommended it and said she loves it and never misses a class. She claims it is a combination of aerobics, martial arts, and endurance principles with positive affirmations… so we shall see! Oh and happy birthday to the best boyfriend ever! Big 2-5 ahhhh! <333


Salami, Provolone, Crackers, Carrots February 24, 2011

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 10:08 am

For lunch today I packed some what of an hors’devoures meal — genoa salami, sharp provolone cheese, brushetta crackers, and baby carrots. I have not been doing a great job at planning meals and I have no idea what I’m having for dinner. I do hope to go to two classes at the gym tonight — zumba fusion and aqua endurance. My mom mailed me my swimming bathing suit and it should arrive today just in time so hopefully it does. Ok, now I must get set up for my experiment.