Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Pork Tenderloin, Green Beans & Potatoes March 31, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:04 pm

Tonight for dinner I had a peppercorn pork tenderloin, steamed green beans, and potatoes. I never buy my pork tenderloin already marinated but I figured I would give this a try and I really like it. It is different than my normal teryaki marinade, but a good different. I definitely enjoy it! So I spent all day babysitting again, but I did get out 1.5 hours early which was awesome. I was able to swing by Trader Joe’s and pick up a few things (few = $22 boo!) I wanted. I love it there! I’m glad there are about 10 grocery stores closer to me than it because I would totally drop way too much money there if I went on a weekly basis. Tomorrow it is back to the lab! I am going to try to get there by 8am so I can leave by 3:30pm. Early to bed for me. Hope Grey’s and Private Practice are good tonight :)


Tuna Salad Sandwich, Red Grapes

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 7:51 am

For lunch today I packed a tuna salad sandwich on a toasted TJ’s British muffin with red grapes. Most people make their tuna salad with mayo but for some reason I don’t like the tuna/mayo combination so I am trying mine mixed with a half wedge of Laughing Cow light swiss, chopped celery, salt, and pepper. So far it tastes pretty good I’m sure I will enjoy it come lunch. I actually used a packet of tuna so I’ll be having this again for lunch tomorrow. I can’t believe this time next week I will be packing for Washington, DC. I feel like it was just yesterday we were talking in lab about far off it was. I guess time really does fly! Now I am to get going so I can miss some traffic. Tonight I will be making the dinner I planned to make last night. Stay tuned!


Blueberry Greek Yogurt, Fresh Strawberries

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 7:50 am

This morning for breakfast I am having a Chobani blueberry Greek yogurt with fresh strawberries. I haven’t bought this flavor in a long time since I tend not to love blueberry yogurt but I didn’t mind it today. It was a nice switch up from my usual flavors. So it has been raining most of the night and I think it is expected to continue today which is no fun! I guess I will be spending the day indoors with the girls again. My little trouble maker has ballet this afternoon so hopefully the break up in her day will make her behave better when she is home. I know it’s stuff to be stuck inside all day. It is for me anyway! Now let me share my lunch with you today..