Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Chicken Marsala, Baked Yams, Steamed Green Beans March 7, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 7:35 pm

For dinner tonight I am having leftover chicken marsala, baked yams, and steamed green beans. Granted I pretty much did nothing all day I am still glad I have this made. I feel kind of funky today so I definitely would not be up for making a meal. I am in the process of finding a laptop to get my brother for his birthday. He desperately needs a new one and my parents and grandparents are going to go in on it with me. I spent the last few hours researching different ones so hopefully I can get one ordered in the next day or two. His birthday isn’t until the 25th but his laptop is shot so I would like to get it to him early. I’m sure he will appreciate it. Ok, well I’m sure I will go to bed early tonight. I want to watch two shows at 9pm and 10pm but I rarely can stay up anymore ha. Lab in the morn!


Buffalo Chicken Pizza, Green Bell Pepper

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 12:35 pm

For lunch today I made my famous buffalo chicken pizza on a tortilla with a green bell pepper. This is my first time making the pizza on a tortilla since I am all out of pitas. I really like it a lot — maybe even more than I do on the pitas. I loveeeee thin crusts so this got nice and crispy and tasted delicious. I have a new idea for a pizza but I have to wait until I go home to get a certain ingredient at Wegman’s because my normal stores don’t seem to carry it. So I decided not to go into school today. My friend and I were both going to go but I texted him a few hours ago and he didn’t respond so I took that as he’s not going either. I’m sure everything they will talk about I know anyway just from working in the lab. I am pretty much just being lazy today but that’s perfectly ok with me haha.


Mango Greek Yogurt, Strawberries

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 8:43 am

This morning for breakfast I am having a Chobani mango Greek yogurt with fresh strawberries. This yogurt is just too delicious to be good for me I’m convinced. I really love it! Well today I am considering going to school for my professors seminar they are giving at noon. They have been preparing for it for over a week so I wanted to show up and be supportive. At this point though I’m not sure if I will go in. It is sooo cold and windy out and well I’m feeling pretty lazy. Also, my foot is really bothering me today which makes me not even want to walk ughh. Maybe I will make of list of everything I want to bring home this weekend. I don’t know why but I always forget something so if I start a few days ahead, I could be better off. Happy Monday!