Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Swiss Steak March 2, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 5:31 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having my last serving of swiss steak. I am so glad I saved it for tonight since after my long day of babysitting I definitely don’t feel like cooking. I have to leave to babysit again in about 45 minutes so I am just going to try and relax until then and eat my dinner. I am kind of exhausted hopefully this little girl won’t need too much entertaining this evening. I had a fun day today with the girls. We did end up going to the park for 1.5 hours which was awesome. It was beautiful out and there were tons of other kids there too! Alright, well time to eat before it’s off to more babysitting. Ta ta!


Chicken Salad Sandwich, Strawberries

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 7:40 am

For lunch today I am packing a chicken salad sandwich (made with light mayo, celery, salt, and pepper) on a toasted light multigrain english muffin and some fresh strawberries. The house I’m babysitting at always had lots of snacks so I’m sure I’ll have something else while there but this is all I am bringing for today. It is supposed to be 55 degrees today so maybe the girl’s will want to play outside. They live a few blocks from a park and it’s always good for kids to get fresh air right? We’ll see, every time I ask them to go outside they decline so I’ll have to try and make it fun. I hope I get out of there on time today because traffic is always busy at rush hour and I want to be able to eat and relax for a few minutes before I have to head off to my night time gig. Alright, happy Wednesday!


Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake with Almond Butter + Banana

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 7:14 am

This morning for breakfast I am having an apple cinnamon rice cake topped with creamy almond butter, a sliced banana, and sprinkled with cinnamon. I am pretty sure I am back on the almond butter addiction I had last summer. I can’t believe I’ve gone months without having it. That will never happen again! So I woke up pretty early today without my alarm. I am up and ready to go. It is going to be a super long day of babysitting since I am watching the three girls 8:30am-4:30pm and then another little girl tonight at 6:30pm. Good thing I have leftovers for dinner because I will definitely not be up for cooking. Now to figure out what to pack for lunch..