Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Tilapia, Brussel Sprouts, Baked Potato March 28, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:25 pm

For dinner tonight I made a piece of broiled tilapia, brussel sprouts, and a baked potato. For not having much of an appetite this was delicious! Now if I could get rid of my pounding sinus headache we’d be golden. I think it should be ok to go to school tomorrow. I need a change of scenery if anything. I am sick of my bedroom. My roommate has been studying literally all day (yes since 8am) in the living room so the only time I’ve been out of my room is meal time to grab food and when I went downstairs to check the mail. I’ll be glad to get out of here tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll wake up feeling even better than today.


Garden Salad with Turkey, Grapes

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 12:41 pm

Lunch today is a garden salad made with chopped oven roasted turkey, iceberg lettuce, carrots, celery, and Italian dressing with a wasa cracker and some red grapes. I am still not super hungry but I have to eat something, and I have to eat the fresh foods I bought. I am planning to cook a normal dinner tonight so I didn’t want to overdo it with some crazy lunch. After showering and resting this morning I do feel much better. I still can’t breathe great and feel achy but my horribly dull headache is so less drastic and I haven’t been too hot/cold which is great. I’m just going to lay low the rest of the day so I can hopefully be good to go tomorrow morning.


French Toast with Fresh Blackberries

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 8:56 am

This morning for breakfast I made french toast and topped it with some fresh blackberries. It is sooo good! I am feeling much better today, but still not great. I did sleep throughout the night though which was wonderful. I am still achy, light headed/dizzy, and really congested so I know I still have a ways to go. I don’t want to get weak though so I know I need to eat. I was thinking about going into lab today but I’m honestly not up for it. I am still hot and cold and just blah so it wouldn’t be good for me to force myself to do things or risk getting anyone else sick. If all goes well, I will go into lab tomorrow. Today, I am just going to relax, stay hydrated, and eat as much as I can handle.