Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Buffalo Chicken Pizza, Green Beans & Potatoes March 17, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:13 pm

Tonight for dinner I made a buffalo chicken pizza and am having the last of my green beans and potatoes. This pizza knocks my socks off every time I eat it. I always tell my mom about it and promise her I’ll make one for her but I have yet to actually do it. Next time I go home and it’s not a holiday with tons of food, I am definitely making this. So I’m not sure if I will do anything tonight for St. Patrick’s Day. A few friends invited me to things but I have to be in the lab tomorrow morning at 8am I’m not sure if I want to stay out too late. Then tomorrow is my roommates birthday so we might be doing something for that. We shall soon! Hope everyone sported their green today :)


Italian Style Vegetable Soup, Red Grapes, Green Bell Pepper

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 7:47 am

For lunch today I packed a Progresso Italian style vegetable soup, red grapes, and half of a green bell pepper. I am no cold cuts and no really sandwich-like thing I could pack today so soup it is. I actually don’t really care for this soup but I have a few of them so I need to use them up anyway. I hope that I am able to eat lunch while babysitting so I can get right into staining as soon as I get to school. The oldest girl gets home from school around 11:40am so I may just have lunch start shortly after she gets in. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone and Happy 88th Birthday to my grandpa!!!


Cheerios/Fiber One with Milk, Sliced Kiwi

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 7:40 am

For breakfast this morning I am having Fiber One and Cheerios with fat free milk and a sliced kiwi. I was really craving cereal so I borrowed a little from my roommate. I definitely will get some will this weekend though. It looks like another gross day outside today but hopefully the sun will come out in the afternoon like it did yesterday. I am babysitting again today from 8:30am-12/1pm and then I am heading to school. The plan is to starting my hematoxylin-eosin staining today. My professor gave me the protocol for it on Tuesday and it seems pretty complicated. I had no idea there were so many steps and rinses. She said I will pick it up quickly so hopefully that is the case. Alright, on to packing my lunch..