Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Beef Slider, Green Beans & Potatoes March 16, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 7:14 pm

For dinner tonight I am having a beef slider with Laughing Cow light swiss and ketchup on a toasted TJ’s ciabattini roll with green beans and potatoes. This little burger was sooo delicious and I just love green beans and potatoes. It was just enough to eat! I am going to try not to snack before bed tonight because I am really good at that. I have a few shows to watch later and otherwise I may read my book, since I didn’t get around to it last night. I am actually borrowing it from my roommate’s best friend and I’ve had it for a while. I usually read books in less than a week, and I do like this one I just haven’t been in reading mode lately. Anyway, I need to finish it up so I can give it back to her. Otherwise, quiet night here in the apartment!


Ham & Cheese Wrap, Cucumber, Pear

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 9:06 am

For lunch today I packed a ham and shredded mozzarella cheese wrap with a pear and half of a cucumber. I was super rushed this morning and didn’t have a lot of time to plan something to make. This will be fine though, I can snack on something else while babysitting if I want. It is a crummy day out so we will most likely be indoors all day. It us supposed to be 73 on Friday though so I cannot wait!!


Egg, Bacon, & Toast Cups, Strawberries

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 9:00 am

Today for breakfast I made a recipe similar to something I found on a blog yesterday. It can be found here. I made my version by cutting a piece of whole wheat bread into quarters and placing two on top of each other in a muffin tin. Then I fried up two pieces of turkey bacon on the stove and put them on the perimeter of the muffin tins with the bread in them. Then I added egg whites and popped them in the oven for 15 minutes. I was excited about them before I made them but wow after tasting them I was blown away. They taste soooo good! I will absolutely be making these again. I also had some fresh strawberries with them. Ok, babysitting all day time to pack my lunch.