Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Italian Style Vegetable Soup, Celery, Cocoa Roast Almonds March 10, 2011

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 8:18 am

Lunch today I packed a Progresso Italian style vegetable soup, celery sticks, and some cocoa roast almonds. I am too tired to make a sandwich today if that’s even possible. Hopefully I won’t be starving after this but I guess it’s possible. At this point though, I’m not sure I care. It is pouring raining out, I can’t keep my eyes open, and I have way too much to do. I am praying I can get my stuff down in lab and come home early I can take a quick nap (in addition to the shower I need to take and all of the stuff I need to pack for the weekend) before I head off to babysit again at 5:30pm. I really hope I’m not there half at late tonight since I have to leave tomorrow morning at 7:15am to head home for a funeral. Ok, I must get moving!


Raspberry Greek Yogurt, Apple

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 8:13 am

For breakfast today I had a Chobani raspberry Greek yogurt and a MacIntosh apple. I am honestly not even hungry after that pizza I ate last night. I’m sad that I ate it and it wasn’t even that good. I wanted to eat this yogurt before I leave for the weekend anyway. Well I am beyond exhausted this morning. I didn’t get home until 1:45am and got up at 7:30am. I seriously go to bed at like 10:30pm most nights so I amĀ  seriously lagging. I have an appointment in Student Affairs at school at 9am otherwise I would definitely be going in later. Ok, now to find something to pack for lunch!