Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Chicken Marsala, Green Beans, Yams March 8, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 5:59 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having the last of my leftovers — chicken marsala, steamed green beans, and baked yams. I just love marsala sauce and mushrooms! I must say that after eating my oatmeal this morning I was fuller longer than usual. I will definitely have to make that again. Although, I promised myself I will not open another jar of almond butter for a little while since I basically can’t control myself. Yes, I ate the last one in 5 days ahhh! In lab today my drug still did not arrive so I had to make slides. It most likely won’t be here until next week so it looks like I will be making slides on Thursday as well. Not a huge deal though since I’m hoping I can be proactive and finish cutting all of my slides then so I can beginning staining next week. Then after that it’s full time thesis writing yayyyy (or nayyy?)! Not sure exactly the plans for tonight so I’m just playing it by ear. Adios!


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