Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Overnight Oats in a Jar with Banana March 20, 2011

Filed under: Dinner — Maria @ 6:31 pm

Tonight for dinner I am having overnight oats in a jar made with quick oats, fat free milk, chia seeds, flax seeds, and a sliced up banana topped with chia seeds in an almost empty crunchy almond butter jar. I made this up originally for this morning but then I went out for breakfast with the boy and his mom so I was in the mood for it now. I heated it up in the microwave for a few and it is just perfect. I love everything about this meal! I really had a great day yesterday and this morning with the boy and his madre. Luckily, the sun came out too so that made it even better. Church tonight then just hanging in. Lab early tomorrow morning to do an experiment. Happy 1st day of spring!! (Did you get your free Rita’s?)