Blissful Hope

A Grad Student's Journey Toward Healthy Eating

Quick Groceries From Home! March 14, 2011

Filed under: Grocery Orders — Maria @ 4:00 pm

Before heading back to Philly today I ran and got some groceries so I wouldn’t have to go once I got back here. I knew I would need food so I was glad I went earlier because now I just want to nap haha. Below is what I bought!


Tossed Salad with Grilled Chicken

Filed under: Lunch — Maria @ 1:21 pm

Today for lunch I went out to eat with my mom and grandma. I ordered a tossed salad with lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumbers, and grilled chicken with the house dressing. It was phenomenal! I really love a good salad. I also got a super cute dress for Easter today so that was nice. I was able to pick up some groceries to head back with as well since my section of the frig is literally empty. Now I just need to pack my car and get on the road. Hopefully I will miss the rush hour traffic. Adios!


Egg White & Cheese Sandwich, Strawberrries

Filed under: Breakfast — Maria @ 8:48 am

This morning for lunch I made an egg white and reduced fat sharp cheddar cheese sandwich on a toasted english muffin with fresh strawberries. It was delicious! I definitely ate way too much this weekend so I need to get back to limited portions and healthy options. Shortly, I will be doing some shopping with my mom and grandma which will be fun. We’ll be going out to lunch too so I will be sure to try and capture a picture of that. Then I have to come home and pack my life up again to head back to Philly. It’s definitely been a great time spent at home but I’ll be happy to get back in the groove of things. Have a magnificent Monday :)